Clinical Papers
Endorectal balloon
Urethra-sparing stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate cancer
How much can the rectal wall dose be reduced with or without an endorectal balloon?
Dubouloz A., Rouzaud M., Tsvang L, Verbakel W., Björkqvist M., Linthout N.,
Lencart J., Pérez-Moreno J.M., Ozen Z., Escude L., Zilli T., Miralbell R.
Differences in radiation dosimetry and anorectal function
Differences in radiation dosimetry and anorectal function testing imply that anorectal symptoms may arise from different anatomic substrates.
Robert Jan Smeenk, M.D.,* Wim P. M. Hopman, M.D., PH.D.,y Aswin L. Hoffmann, M.SC.,*
Emile N. J. TH. van Lin, M.D., PH.D.,* and Johannes H. A. M. Kaanders, M.D. PH.D*
Departments of *Radiation Oncology and Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Tolerance of endorectal balloon
Tolerance of endorectal balloon in 396 patients treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer. Pages 8-11.
Bastasch MD, Teh BS, Mai WY, McGary JE, Grant WH 3rd, Butler EB ( 2006 )
Clinical experience with intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Clinical experience with intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer with the use of rectal balloon for prostate immobilization. Volume 27, Issue 2, Pages 105-113.
Bin S. Teh M.D., Shiao Y. Woo M.D., Wei-yuan Mai M.D., John E. Mcgary Ph.D., L. Steven Carpenter M.D., Hsin H. Lu M.D., J. Kam Chiu M.D., Maria T. Vlachaki M.D., Walter H. Grant, III Ph.D. and E. Brian Butler M.D. (2002).
IMRT for prostate cancer with the use of a rectal balloon
IMRT for prostate cancer with the use of a rectal balloon for prostate immobilization: acute toxicity and dose volume analysis. Pages 705- 712
Teh BS, Mai WY, Uhl BM, Augspurger ME, Grant WH 3rd, Lu HH, Woo SY, Carpenter LS, Chiu JK, Butler EB (2001).
The intensity modulated radiation therapy ( IMRT)
The Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in the Management of Prostate Cancer Oncologist. Volume 4. Pages 433-442
Bin S. Teh, Shiao Y. Woo, E. Brian ButleR (1999).
Rectal wall sparing by dosimetric effect of rectal balloon
Rectal wall sparing by dosimetric effect of rectal balloon used during intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer.
Teh BS, Dong L, McGary JE, Mai WY, Grant W 3rd, Butler EB (2005).
A prospective evaluation of rectal bleeding
A Prospective Evaluation of Rectal Bleeding After Dose-Escalated Three-Dimensional conformal Radiation Therapy Using an Intrarectal Balloon for Prostate Gland Localization and Immobilization, Urology, Volume 67, Issue 4, Pages 780-784.
D’Amico, A., Manola, J., McMahon, E., et al (2006)
Use of portal images and BAT ultrasonography
Use of Portal Images and BAT Ultrasonography to Measure Setup Error and Organ Motion for Prostate IMRT: Implication for Treatment Margins, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 56, Issue 5, Pages 1218-1224.
Little, D.J., Dong, L., Levy, L., Chandra, A., Kuban, D. (2003).
Prostate immobilization using a rectal balloon
Prostate Immobilization Using a Rectal Balloon, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. Volume 3, Pages 6-11.
McGary, J.E., Teh, B.S., Butler, E.B. et al (2001)
Rectal sparing with a balloon catheter
Rectal Sparing with a Balloon Catheter and Ultrasound Localization in Conformal Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Volume 67, issue 3, pages 285-294.
Patel, R., Orton, N., Tome, W., Chappell, R., Ritter, M., (2003)
An assessment of PTV margin definitions
An Assessment of PTV Margin Definitions for Patients Undergoing Conformal 3D External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Based on an Analysis of 10,327 Pretreatment Daily Ultrasound Localizations, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 67, Issue 5, Pages 1430-1437.
Poli, M.E., Parker, W., Patrocinio, H., Souhami, L., Shenouda, G., Campos, L.L., Podgorsak, E.B., (2007).
A practical method to achieve prostate gland immobilization
A Practical Method to Achieve Prostate Gland Immobilization and Target Verification for Daily Treatment, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 51, Pages 1431-1436.
D’Amico, A.V., Manola, J., Loffredo, M., et al (2001)
Prostate cancer radiation dose response
Prostate Cancer Radiation Dose Response: Results of the M.D. Anderson Phase III Randomized Trial, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 53, Pages 1097-1105.
Pollack, A., Zagars, G.K., Starkschall, G., et al (2002).
Complications from radiotherapy dose escalation in prostate cancer
Complications from Radiotherapy Dose Escalation in Prostate Cancer preliminary Results of a Randomized Trial, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 48, Pages 635-642.
Storey, M.R., Pollack, A., Zagars, G., et al (2000).
Rectal wall sparing effect of three different endorectal balloons
Rectal Wall Sparing Effect of Three Different Endorectal Balloons in 3D Conformal and IMRT Prostate Radiotherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 63, Issue 2,
Pages 565-576.
Van Lin, E., Hoffmann, A., van Kollenburg, P., Leer, J., Visser, A., (2005).
Reduced late rectal mucosal changes
Reduced Late Rectal Mucosal Changes after Prostate Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy with Endorectal Balloon as Observed in Repeated Endoscopy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 67, Issue 3, Pages 799-811.
Van Lin, E., Kristinsson, J., Philippens, M., et al (2007).
The effect of positional realignment
The Effect of Positional Realignment on Dose Delivery to the Prostate and Organs-at-risk for 3DCRT, Medical Dosimetry, Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 1-6.
Wang, Z., Rajagopalan, B., Malhotra, H.K., Kuettel, M.R., Podgorsak, M.B., (2007).
A randomized trial comparing conventional dose
A Randomized Trial comparing Conventional Dose (70.2GyE) and High-Dose (79.2GyE) Conformal Radiation in Early Stage Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Volume 60, Pages S131-S132.
Zietman, A.L., DeSilvio, M., Slater, J.D., et al (2004).
Endorectal balloon cavity dosimetry in a phantom
Endo-rectal balloon cavity dosimetry in a phantom: Performance under IMRT and helical tomotherapy beams.
Zietman, A.L., DeSilvio, M., Slater, J.D., et al (2004).
Endorectal Balloons in prostate radiotherapy
Is there a role for endorectal balloons in prostate radiotherapy? A systematic review.
Robert Jan Smeenk, Bin S. Teh, E. Brian Butler, Emile N.J.Th. van Lin, Johannes H.A.M. Kaanders

QLRAD is a manufacturing company which specializes in the development, design and assembly of medical devices such as Endorectal balloons. We also supply many other products that help develop and meet the need of Radiotherapy & Urology professionals worldwide.
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